We’ve Redesigned our Website

You may have noticed that things look a little different around here. We’ve given our website an overhaul, a lick of paint and a bit of a move around. We’ve been giving our clients the very best of our digital creativity and expertise for so long – utilising the latest technology, innovative ideas and marketing prowess – that we forgot to give ourselves the same treatment – but no more! Motivation For the change: We wanted to improve the look and feel of our website for you, our user. We wanted to showcase our work, services and products in the best way possible We wanted to vastly improve the user journey, creating more enquiries in the process But, mostly, we felt you deserved it. What’s Changed You’ll find the same sleek branding we’re renowned for, with a splash of colour to really bring our brand to life. Our streamlined navigation structure and menu have been redesigned for clarity, simplicity and to improve usability. We’ve Switched to Easy Digital Downloads and simplified our theme user profile. We’ve simplified our content – we don’t want our services to be confusing. It’s easier than ever before to contact us, whether you want to […]

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Child Theme

Our themes look great and work great out of the box, but we understand that sometimes you might need to customize your theme beyond what is possible via the Theme Options. These guidelines will teach you the basics of how to go about customizing your theme. Note: We are unable to provide support for customizations under our Support Policy. If you are unfamiliar with code/templates and resolving potential conflicts, contact our Theme Experts. Backup is Important Before customizing a theme, you should always ensure that you have a backup of your site in case anything goes wrong. How Child Themes Work And Why need to use it? Child themes are separate themes that rely on a parent theme for most of their functionality. If you are using a child theme, WordPress will check your child theme first to see if a specific functionality exists. If it doesn’t, it will use the parent theme. This is great because it allows you to modify only what you need. Child themes should always be used if you plan on modifying even a single character in your theme. There are two very good reasons: updates and organization. Updates If you modify a theme without […]